Tuesday 1 January 2008

How Not to Feed a Blackbird

The first snowdrops, iris and aconites are in bloom. I have watched a blackbird, who has for the past three years lived in the ivy and honeysuckle covering fallen pear tree. She has become very tame. As soon as I appear at the window she flies across and waits for currants to be thrown for her. Should I already have a handful of peanuts ready to place on the outer window ledge, for the various tits, she will fly to the ledge and sit there enjoying a peanut feast.

Three days ago I baked an extra potato and cutting it in half, threw it on the lawn. Of course, she was the first one there and a few minutes later, on hearing the screech of the blackbird, I ran back to the window to see a sparrow hawk cloaked over her. There was nothing I could do, but try to learn from it. I felt very sad and determined that in future I would throw food into the undergrowth to reduce the chance of this happening again.