Saturday 19 May 2007

Thirsty Worms

Our lawns are sprinkled with daisies, some all white, others prettily pink-edged, and dandelions. Until a few years ago, I used to spend much time digging dandelions out of the lawn to leave it pristine and weed-free as Mike likes it. Now, however, we welcome daisies – they remind us of starlit skies, and we especially like dandelions as a small group of bullfinches spend much time on the lawn eating the seeds from dandelion clocks. They are such a neat bird, a pleasing shape and such well-defined edges to their various colours of their coats. The pretty red-faced goldfinch is also drawn to the garden for the dandelion seedheads and seeds from the lemon balm plant.

Yesterday I saw our first newly fledged robin, very fetchingly speckled. The family in the carrier bag of plants are not fledged yet, but with both parents feeding all day long, they should be very strong when they are ready to face the big world.
We watched a visiting cat stalk, catch and dispatch a short-tailed field vole a few days ago. These are charming creatures and a good addition to the garden as they bring the owls; the weasels and the foxes have also been spied hunting and catching them.

I am constantly fishing worms out of the pond. How do they get in there and why? I never see them “running” across the lawn at breakneck speed to go for a swim, and if it is just a drink they need they could get that from the birdbath.

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