Friday 11 December 2009

Friend of the Fox

Yesterday we drove down a very beautiful stretch of road. It is very picturesque and passes through woodland. The trees meet overhead and no matter what time of year, we always enjoy the journey.

Last night, we passed along its length twice: the first time as always taking our time and enjoying its beauty, even in the dark we still find it an attractive road. The second, our return journey last night, was utterly spoiled for us. As we drove gently along, the headlamps picked out a beautiful fox in the road, we slowed even more and delightedly watched it. Unusually the fox didn’t move and so we slowed to almost a standstill. Edging forward, we noticed the reason for the fox’s reticence to leave the road; he was standing by the mangled body of another fox. As we drew level, he stepped off the road and on to the verge and as we slowly passed by he returned to stand by the body of his friend.

Who dares to say animals don’t have feelings? I was incensed recently when I met someone who spoke of foxes in such a derogatory manner and termed them vermin. He keeps chickens for his table, but was upset because a fox had discovered his run and helped himself.

He was not bothered about the chicken either. To him, it was just a meal.

Perhaps the lesson he should learn is to keep his foul more secure.

“Only decent fox is a dead one”, he told me.

Well he might respect them more if he put food out for them at night and watched them. They are quite delightful creatures and we ought to remember like us they get hungry and need to eat – but don’t have a butchers to go to!

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