Friday 25 November 2011

Blue skies, yellow leaves and golden carpets

It is a bright and beautiful morning, the sky is a clear blue with not a cloud in sight, however it is much colder than it looks through the window and there is a wind not a strong one but a wind none the less, that if you stood about outside would very soon chill you.

The birch tree caught my eye this morning for the last few misty mornings I have longed for the sky to be blue, because the leaves left on the tree are brightest yellow and I knew they would look glorious against a true blue sky.

To my delight today is the day and I looked expectantly out of the window to see the beautiful birch tree, clothed in its last yellow leaves against a blue sky, I was surprised to see the leaves falling as if they were snowflakes and the tree almost bereft of leaves, but what joy, for there underneath the tree is the most amazing golden carpet of leaves calling to me to put a coat and boots on, and go and scuffle my feet through them while the last of the yellow leaves fall around me as if I am caught in a shower of golden butterflies.

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