Saturday 10 December 2011

Songthrush, Tits, Gulls and a Crow

A crisply frosty morning everywhere is white, the sun is shining and steam is rising from a neighbours roof. A song thrush is singing from the very top flimsy bare branch of the Ginko Biloba, its song is repetitive as it swells forth loud and clear, caroling sweetly. A wonderful sound to be greeted with on awakening.

Two little blue tits are investigating a nearby a nesting box.

I place a handful of bird seed, some peanuts, half a cup of mixed fruit, suet and oatmeal on to the bird tables for the smaller birds and  throw three slices of wet bread broken into pieces onto the lawn for the larger birds, usually the pigeons and magpies are the first on the scene but these colder mornings the gulls beat them to it every time.

Finally I empty seed on the ground for the pheasants, although I know if they aren't quick the pigeons and tits will eat it first. If I notice this happening I call to him and he rushes to directly under the window where he is able to eat his food undisturbed.

While I tend to the pheasant I notice No-tail arrive and see a large flock of gulls white underwings bared and hovering over the lawn wheeling and swooping but not quite ready to drop to the food. Suddenly a crow comes hurtling blackly toward them and with one accord they disperse and disappear.

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