Saturday 14 September 2013

The Spider Living in the Mallow.

Directly outside the patio window a mallow has self seeded and grown, we have left it there because it has beautiful purple flowers and attracts many bees and other insects, it now has an added interest because a spider has made this plant its home, and over the last few weeks it has feasted well, catching many and varied flies and other insects in its web. The only creatures to escape are wasps and bees, who are much stronger than the others, they are often caught but able to free themselves by just struggling, however I have noticed they always tear the web in leaving. This presents no problem to the spider who always has it repaired in a very short time.

I noticed on the plant, one of the leaves was pulled down and the edges drawn slightly together, watching I realised that the spider sits and waits underneath this leaf, and it is from here that he is able to rush out and quickly deal with any disturbance of his web.

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