Thursday 2 January 2014

A Fallen Tree

Firstly I would like to wish all of my nature blog followers a happy and healthy New Year.

A tree came down across the lane yesterday, it took with it the telephone lines, the fire brigade soon arrived and the tree was cut into large logs which were piled on the bank at one side of the lane. Two days later the logs had vanished as if by magic! Taken in the dead of night.

The tree that fell was very old and appeared to have no life left in it, there was however a healthy growth of ivy covering the whole tree from top to bottom. I wondered what wildlife the tree was home to, and hoped there were no birds nesting in there, as this would be a cold and difficult time for them to resettle. Doubtless there were very many insects overwintering in the cracks and crevices of the old bark and also in the dense ivy surrounding the tree even to its uppermost branches.

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