Thursday 15 April 2010

Odd Duck

Our female duck is back, the male in tow, quacking and fussing all around her. She has to have lost her first nest – maybe to the fox, because she is once again here all day long, every day.

Today, finishing off some embroidery, I heard a tap, tap, tapping on the patio door, looking up I saw our female duck sitting on the top step, stretching her neck and tapping on the glass. I waved to her and went to the kitchen, by the time I had arrived there, she was already waiting. I reached out and poured half a plastic beaker of birdseed out of the window on to the path for her. Next I fetched two slices of wholemeal bread, well water-soaked to break up and toss out to her. His majesty stands deferentially behind his wife as she eats, only snatching leftover food as he follows her to the pond, once she is satiated. He has grown very good at catching water-soaked bread pieces, which I throw to him as he patiently waits behind her.

This time I left her eating and returned to the lounge – no sooner had I sat down and picked up my embroidery than she was back on the top step, tap, tap, tapping at the window again.

She cannot have finished so much, so soon, I thought, as she continued tapping. I stood up, went into the kitchen, leaned out of the window, and there she was still tapping, while the male was finishing the food.

I called and called, but to no avail. She stayed where she was. I went back to my embroidery and easy chair, she tapped the window – I waved to her, she settled down, tucked her head round her back on her wing, and went to sleep. “Well, what was all that about?” I mused. “Perhaps she just wanted to say thank you”, said another voice from the other easy chair.

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