Saturday 15 May 2010

Trip to Grantchester

We are traveling along a new stretch of the A10 on the way to Grantchester. This is a particularly lovely stretch as for miles one drives through thousands of cowslips. Cowslips and primroses have always been favorites of mine – as a child I was sent out to collect armfuls of them.

I love these sun-drenched evenings when the sun catches the treetops making them glow golden, while at ground level verges, banks and bushes are in shadow because the sun is so low in the sky.

As you drive through the village of Buckland, there is a cram coloured house with a very eye-catching shrub growing up the side of it.

So many road kills alongside the A10, including foxes, pheasants and badgers.

We saw many rabbits along the verges and in one spot two chasing each other up and down a bank.

Our lovely afternoon in Grantchester included seeing, for the first time, Grantchester Meadows. They are beautiful, bordered on one side by a flat, easily walkable footpath, and on the other by the river Cam, with its clean and relatively fast-flowing water and wonderful reflections of the trees edging it. One or two of the meadows were home to beautiful cattle that resembled Devon Reds. WE had to pass between them. Normally, I am suspicious and untrusting of cattle, but these were so docile. I saw many people walk past them, and noted how even when dogs were near the cattle took no notice. When my turn came I walked through easily and even stopped to take some photographs.

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