Tuesday 15 May 2012

Wintry weather, the fox and the magpie

The last two days have been very wintry, thunder, lightning, horrendous hailstone storms and torrential rain.

I fear for the baby birds and can't imagine how difficult it must be resting in a nest when hail and heavy rain are pounding down. I wonder how many nestlings will succumb to this inclement weather, which has come at such an inappropriate time for them. Finding food for their youngsters must be quite a trial, surely many of the caterpillars and insects must have been washed from plants, bushes and trees making searching for it much harder.

I felt particular concern for the blackcaps, their nest is on the ground on a bank and I am delighted to report that they are both still active and appear to be feeding young.

This evening I watched with amusement as a magpie tried to steal food from the fox, each time he slowly came nearer the fox would turn to face him head on. He allowed the magpie to almost reach the food several times and each time just as the magpie must have thought nearly there, so the fox would just take a few steps toward him and the magpie would retreat. Only to return almost immediately, reach the same spot and be chased off again.

It was such a lazy movement by the fox, that I wondered if he was toying with the magpie and would suddenly rush at him and try to catch him for supper --- but no. After a while the fox grew tired of the magpies persistence and chased him further across the lawn, then he stood waiting, and as soon as the magpie stopped moving and turned round, the fox again chased him putting more effort in this time and the magpie took fright and flew away!

I would have been surprised to see the fox catch the magpie because I have watched foxes eat with passing cats in the garden and show no aggression toward them.

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