Friday 10 May 2013

Hungry duck

The female duck is again eating ravenously, she comes to the window several times a day for food, if we do not notice her then she flies up and lands on top of the roofed bird feeding tables by the window, and peers through into the kitchen. Her next move is to go and check out the lounge patio doors to see if we are there, should we not notice her quickly enough, she climbs on to the step and with her beak taps on the window!

To feed her I soak bread in water, and drop it from the side kitchen window, breaking it up as I do so, I then give her half a cup of bird seed. Sometimes, it is the seed she is after and then she ignores the bread and stands looking up at me with her head cocked onto one side, if I am too long reaching for the seed she flies up to the roof of the bird table looking in through the open window, while she waits.

I wonder if her voracious appetite is because she has another nest and is laying more eggs.

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