Monday 14 April 2014

The Pleasure of an English Garden

The great beauty of my garden is not only in the flowers it produces but also in the many creatures attracted to it. The winter has been milder this year and the bees have been abundant.The many dandelions on the lawns not only feed the bees but also the beautiful butterflies.

Each year as soon as the plum tree blooms the bullfinches appear, steadfastly pecking at the flowers to reach the insects within, sadly they often pull the petals off at the same time, this doesn't seem to affect the crop though as there are always enough for the birds, bees and us.

Chaffinches are always to be found in the mahonia, leaving a scattering of bright yellow petals underneath on the ground. Orange tip butterflies, always plentiful in this garden, love the pretty violet flowers of honesty, which being a self sown plant always springs up unbidden, often filling an empty space or brightening a dull corner. During the autumn we can once again take pleasure from this plant, due to its eye catching shiny seed pods, They are quite delightful and children love to rub off the outer casing on each side of the round seed cases, showing their bright inner sides.

There are many varieties of birds to enjoy watching in the garden, any day looking out of the window I can watch; robins, blackbirds, thrushes, pigeons, blue, great and coal tits, wrens, dunnocks, blackcaps, magpies, crows, jackdaws goldfinches and chaffinches.

Sadly so far this year we have seen no greenfinches or starlings, and although we have not seen owls in the garden, we have seen them fly over and most nights we can stand outside after dark and hear both tawny and little owls and occasionally barn owls also.

Until recently we have always had hedgehogs in the garden and if we walked along the lane at dusk we always saw at least one, now sadly there are none to be found.

We also are lucky to have badgers visiting and to feed foxes every night, also to enjoy the visits of muntjac deer.

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