Thursday 6 October 2011

The Mole and His Lucky Escape

It was a beautiful day today, bright sunshine and the bluest of skies with now and again white clouds hurrying across. It was a little cold but the strong winds were invigorating and the air felt fresh.

This afternoon I stood idly by the end kitchen window, watching the clouds passing by and then the washing and trees blowing in the wind.

Suddenly as I watched something caught my eye, it was small, dark and falling from the sky. My gaze quickly shifted and I watched it fall on to the lawn, it lay still and I decided to go and investigate. Even as I was thinking this it moved and I knew whatever it was, by some miracle it was still alive. I couldn't make out what it was but then as it slowly stirred I realised it was a mole, with his sleek, shiny coat glistening in the sunlight. As if realising the danger of being in the open and what a lucky escape he'd had, he quickly dashed across the grass and into the undergrowth.

I was astonished to witness the above and so pleased to have been at the window and staring out just at that moment, and even more pleased to see him alive and his dash to safety. He must have been dropped by a bird of prey.

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