Friday 22 June 2012

Foxes, magpies, male blackbird and a cat!

Each evening we are treated to the foxes feeding there are three cubs and two adults, two cubs are not far off the size of their parents but the third one is tiny, so small I don't understand how she can be their sibling. She arrives with the others, feeds with them and comes and goes as they do, so despite her tiny size I think she must be from the same litter.

The foxes do not feed alone, but before they arrive pigeons, magpies, chaffinches, a robin and a male blackbird all tuck in. Directly the foxes arrive most of these fly away, however the last few nights I have been fascinated to watch both magpies and the male blackbird stay and feed at the same time as the foxes. The magpie is bold, but the blackbird stays around the edges of the food as far from the foxes as he can, as yet the foxes have taken no notice of the birds, but this may change and if it does I hope they are able to quickly fly away.

There are a few cats that frequent the garden and one in particular a large black and white, saggy bellied cat has started dropping by and helping himself  to the fox food, as soon as he turns up, all of the birds fly swiftly away! He wears two bells on his collar so they always have warning of his imminent approach!!

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