Friday 15 June 2012

Greedy Birds

The evenings are growing lighter and staying so for longer, this means that when the fox food is put out, birds fly in to enjoy an evening feast or to collect food for their nestlings. First on the scene are always magpies, swooping in and swiftly grabbing food before flying off, pigeons next, always No-Tail and often with his mate, these are followed closely by robins and a blackbirds, collecting food for their young, sometimes a pair of chaffinches will also appear.

I have started putting out extra food, because the birds eat so much and now the foxes have cubs I feel they need more. Recently I bought dog biscuits and each evening put a handful out with their food these are quickly crunched up and seem to be a popular addition.

Tonight they had a special treat, as we bought a large tin of dog food a few days ago and this evening being short on cheese I decided to give it to them, not all at once you understand as the first one to arrive would simply gobble all of it. No, I decided to make sandwiches with it, the magpies and pigeons ate and appeared to notice no difference, the robins and blackbirds usually take the cheese from the sandwiches and this evening were clearly thrown as they went from piece to piece obviously looking for the cheese eventually each of them settled for bread, the foxes ate with their usual gusto and I still have enough left in the tin for tomorrow evening for them. I have decided to grate a little cheese and put that out for the robins and blackbirds tomorrow evening --- although whether they will be lucky enough to get it before the others, I don't know.

Yesterday we almost had a mishap, the two greedy pigeons - No-Tail and his partner flew down on to the lawn and started in their customary manner to eat as much as possible in as short a time as possible, suddenly No-Tails partner began acting strangely, she was moving very awkwardly, walking a few steps back and then a few steps forward, after a few seconds she started to walk round and round, but backwards, I realised she must have something stuck in her throat, pigeons are so greedy they swallow large pieces of food whole if they can, rushing around all the time in order to quickly get the next mouthful. She was still doing tight backward circles and I was ready to go and try to clear her airway if she keeled over - when suddenly a magpie swooped down next to her, startled she flapped her wings and took flight. I can report that this morning when I opened the kitchen window to feed the birds and squirrels there she was waiting for breakfast and no worse for her choking experience of the previous evening!

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