Friday 3 February 2012

Displaying Dunnocks and Robins

It is 4:30pm on a beautiful day, sunny with perfectly blue skies and looking toward the south there are tiny puffs of pink clouds dotted about, very pretty against the blue.

It is bitterly cold, the lawn has remained white all day and the bird baths and pond are still frozen solid, outside an odd trio are feeding together on the lawn --- a moorhen, a young gull and No-Tail the pigeon.

Looking across another part of the lawn from the lounge window I can see another trio of birds on the white frozen lawn, this time three dunnocks fluttering their wings and flirting coquettishly with each other, while in the old apple tree are two robins both displaying. So as cold as it might seem, I see these signs and know that spring can't be too far away!

The fieldfares and the redwings have almost cleared the crab apples from the malus and the berries from the cotoneaster. Round the back I noticed a berberis thickly covered with orange berries with a solitary male blackbird feasting on them, his beak was the same colour as the berries.

The robins, bluetits and blackbirds are so hungry each morning that they arrive on the bird tables even as I am filling them.

Noticed a cole tit in the garden again today, we don't see these birds as often as we used to. I think there must have been a decline in their numbers.

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