Sunday 20 July 2014

Odd Behaviour from a New Fox

The foxes have been very late arriving for their food the last two or three nights, it has often been as late as 2 or 3 a.m., last night just after 1:00 a.m. on looking out I saw a different fox. He must have been born earlier this year, he was tiny and had a very scrawny tail, he must have been very hungry as he was really tucking into the food.

I stayed watching him, enjoying the thought of the food being found by a young fox, before our regulars turned up. He was quite picky and opened the tiny squares of sandwich, eating the filling and leaving the bread - not even licking the spread from the bread.

When he had finished eating he did something I have never seen before, he urinated all over the food he had left.

This behaviour is something I have read about in rodents, but never seen or heard of in foxes.

I would welcome any comments on this behaviour, if anyone reading this has heard of it before.

1 comment:

  1. My foxes often do this.Once in broad daylight she came across a dead bird in the garden,sniffed it a while and then urinated on it.
    They often leave a few drops in the empty food dish - I have seen them do this many times.
